Civ5 Hall Of Fame: New gauntlets available

By | February 1, 2025

The Hall Of Fame is an ongoing competition for the highest scores in every setting in Civ5. You are always free to send in your highest scoring savegames, but sometimes we give you specific challenges for settings which are underrepresented.

This time we want you to do the following 2 gauntlets:

For the G-Major CLII we challenge you to play as Suleiman of the Ottomans on a small “small continents” map on Emperor level and to win via a domination victory. The deadline for this gauntlet is February 28. For more information please check this thread.

For the G-Minor CCXXV we challenge you to play as Ramessess II of Egypt on a standard size continents map on quick speed with Prince difficulty. You also need to win via diplomacy. The deadline here is also February 28. For more information please check here.