Category Archives: Civilization VII

News relating to Sid Meier’s Civilization VII

Civilization’s 30th birthday: Give Civ a present, get one back!

By | September 3, 2021

Civilization’s 30th birthday: Give Civ a present, get one back! To celebrate the 30th birthday of Civilization, we are holding a contest: Give Civ a present, get one back! How would you do this? We are looking for any form of art, created for Civilization! Have you ever drawn something inspired by Civ? Made a sculpture? A lego… Read More »

Firaxis is looking for a narrative lead with a ‘knowledge and passion for world history’

By | August 15, 2021

As multiple sources on Twitter and from various gaming magazines have pointed out, Firaxis is hiring for various positions, including a narrative lead with knowledge about world history. What does this mean…? I think we can only speculate ;). Read some news items here: Discuss here at Civfanatics: Follow this discussion on Twitter: