Afrika Korps

General Information

  • Name of Scenario : Afrika Korps
  • Final Score : 17.1/30
    (Breakdown: 0-10 terrible /11-15 Average/ 16-20 Good/ 21-25 Excellent/ 26+Best possible)
  • Type of Scenario : Historical
  • Name of Author: John Petroski
  • Name of Reviewer: SunTzu

Summary of Scenario

This scenario covers Italian ambitions to make the Mediterranean an Italian Lake. WW2 North Africa.

Playability – Section Sub-total: 4

Were you able to finish in a reasonable amount of turns? (Score: 1 )
Did the scenario avoid being tedious or repetitive? (Score: 1 )
Did the scenario capture the essence of what it was suppose to portray? (Score: 1 )
Were you impressed with the overall sound effects? (Score: 0 )
Was the choice of and interaction between races appropriate? (Score: 0 )
Did you enjoy playing the scenario? (Score: 1 )

This scenario is very enjoyable. It isn’t boring like other scenarios.
You have a list of options to fight Greece, Yugoslavia, Turkey or the

Units – Section Sub-total: 3

Were the majority of units changed from the default Civ2 units? (Score: 1 )
Were all of the sounds appropriate for the units in the scenario? (Score: 0 )
Was the scenario free of ‘unbalanced’ units? (Score: 1 )
Were there innovative combinations of special unit abilities? (Score: 0 )
Were Barbarian units appropriate when they appeared? (Score: 0 )
Any other unit related problems (like shield placement)? (Score: 1 )

The units are somewhat fine. They’re well balanced. They could be better though.

Research – – Section Sub-total: 1

Was the progression of advance to advance done properly? (Score: 0 )
Were advances properly related to new units and obsolescence? (Score: 0 )
Was the tech tree of a high level of complexity? (Score: 0 )
Were non-event messages amended to suit the scenario ? (Score: 0 )
Was the civilpedia properly updated? (Score: 1 )
Were there disfunctional improvements or useless technologies? (Score: 0 )

The is no research. Its all original.

Map & Terrain – Section Sub-total: 6

Were you impressed by the Map in general? (Score: 1 )
Was terrain properly adjusted to fit the scenario? (Score: 1 )
Was attention given to geography and historical details? (Score: 1 )
Were you happy with the city, fortress, terrain improvement graphics? (Score: 1 )
Were city names and the placement of cities correct? (Score: 1 )
Were there innovations used in relation to Terrain? (Score: 1 )

The Terrain and Map were very nice. They were all correct and detailed.

Care & Details – Section Sub-total: 4 1/2

Did you find the documentation adequate? (Score: 1 )
Was the events file sufficient for the needs of the scenario? (Score: 1 )
Were you happy with the improvement and wonder icons? (Score: 1 )
Did you like the changes to the player interface? (Score: 0 )
Did you find any very apparent errors in any category of the scenario? (Score: 1 )
Do you think a lot of effort was put into doing this scenario? (Score: 1/2 )

units were nice and I enjoyed the game, the only problem was the Global
Warming that happened very easily, turning many plains and grassland
into swamps.

Originality and Technical Proficiency – Section Sub-total: 2

Were the sounds appropriate in volume and clear enough to understand? (Score: 0 )
Were the sounds unique and different in the scenario? (Score: 0 )
Did you discover many unit GRAPHICS not used in any other scenarios? (Score: 1 )
Is the theme of the scenario completely novel? (Score: 1 )
Were complex events used to carry the story line or enhance the AI? (Score: 0 )
Did the author deal with all areas which could be modified? (Score: 0 )
Any other innovations worth mentioning? Explain? No innovations

Overall Assesment and Other Points of Interest:

This scenario is another good John Petroski scenario. But like his
scenario’s, he could’ve done alot better. Sounds would be a nice