Author: JNR13. Discuss this article in the forums!
A visual reference for the various terrains and features in Civ VII. Quite a few things have changed:
– There is now a “Tropical” terrain to distinguish more temperate grassland with pine forests from tropical grasslands with rainforest.
– Features have been grouped into tags such as “Vegetated” (Woods, Rainforest, Sage Brush) and “Wet” (Marsh, Swamp, Oasis, Watering Hole) which will be used for gameplay bonuses, with the variation between terrain just being flavor.
– Hills are now called “Rough” terrain because the map uses elevation on a larger scale than just single tiles.
– I haven’t seen any “wet” tiles for Snow. Maybe ice ponds could work here, but that’s just me guessing, nothing like that has been visible in the material we have so far.
– Base yields have been reduced because cities now automatically grab all yields inside their territory (meaning that a city starts with grabbing the yields of *six* tiles right away). Yields have also been equalized so that Desert and Tundra starts are no longer as much at a disadvantage).
– Improvements are automatically picked based on terrain or resource on the tile. Each terrain has a corresponding improvement and they are arranged accordingly in this guide.
– Happiness is now a yield. It is not granted by default but based on the Appeal of the tile. I already made a separate post on that.
Click the image below to view it in full-screen mode.
Volcanos and Geothermal Fissures (or Hot Springs?) also seem to be back, independent of terrain: