The “Game Of The Month” is a monthly game organized by dedicated teams at Civfanatics, to give everyone a new challenge each month. You get a new savegame with set conditions, and you try to beat everyone else, making yourself the biggest civ-fanatic of us all.
This month we have for Civ4 a game with Brennus on a pangea map on Immortal level. You have until October 20 to finish your game and to send in your savegame. You can find all the details here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/news-botm-221-brennus-immortal-starts-sept-20.673286/
For Civ6, we have a new challenge with Pedro II of Brazil on a standard size map on deity level. You have until October 15 to beat the game and everyone else. You can find all the other infos here: https://forums.civfanatics.com/threads/6otm119-announcemnt.673268/