Alhambra |
400 |
+1Â  |
+1 GA |
All newly-trained non-air Units in this City receive the Drill I Promotion, improving combat strength when fighting in ROUGH Terrain. Provides a free Castle in the city in which it is built. Boosts city Culture output by 20%. |
Chivalry |
Angkor Wat |
400 |
+1Â  |
+1 GE |
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in every city. |
Education |
Big Ben |
750 |
+1Â +4Â  |
+2 GM |
Cost of Gold purchasing in all cities reduced by 15%. |
ization |
Borobudur |
300 |
+5Â +4Â  |
Must be built in a Holy City. Creates 3 free Missionaries upon completion |
Theology |
Brandenburg Gate |
750 |
+3Â  |
+2 GS |
A Great General appears near the City where the Wonder was built and +15 XP for all Units built in this City. |
Military Science |
Broadway |
1060 |
+2Â  |
One free Great Musician appears after construction. Provides 3 slots for Great Works of Music. |
Radio |
Chichen Itza |
300 |
+1Â +4Â  |
+1 GE |
Length of Golden Ages increased by 50%. |
Civil Service |
CN Tower |
1250 |
+1 GM |
Provides a free Broadcast Tower in all cities. +1 Population in each city and +1 Happiness per city. |
munications |
Cristo Redentor |
1250 |
+5Â  |
+2 GA |
Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10%. |
Plastics |
Eiffel Tower |
1060 |
+1Â +5Â  |
+2 GM |
In addition to the +5 Happiness, the Eiffel Tower also provides +1 more Happiness for every 2 Policies you have adopted. |
Radio |
Globe Theater |
500 |
+2Â  |
One free Great Writer appears after this wonder is built. Contains 2 slots for Great Works of Writing. |
Printing Press |
Great Firewall |
1250 |
99.9% reduction in effectiveness of enemy spies in the city in which it is built. All other cities in the civilization get a 25% reduction in enemy spy effectiveness. |
Computers |
Great Mosque of Djenne |
300 |
+1Â +3Â  |
+1 GE |
All Missionaries born in this city can spread religion three times. Provides a free Mosque in the city in which it is built. |
Theology |
Himeji Castle |
500 |
+3Â  |
+2 GE |
+15% combat strength for units fighting in friendly territory. Provides a free Castle in the city in which it is built. |
Gunpowder |
Hubble Space Telescope |
1250 |
+1 GS |
2 free Great Scientists appear near the City where the Wonder was built. Provides a free Spaceship Factory in the city in which it is built. +25% Production when building Spaceship Parts. |
Satellites |
Leaning Tower of Pisa |
500 |
+1Â  |
+1 GA |
+25% generation of Great People in all Cities. A free Great Person of your choice appears near the Capital. |
Printing Press |
Machu Picchu |
300 |
+5Â +2Â  |
+1 GM |
+25% Gold from Trade Routes. City must be built within 2 tiles of a Mountain that is inside your territory. |
Guilds |
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus |
185 |
+1Â  |
+1 GM |
Gain 100 Gold each time a Great Person is expended. Each source of Marble or Stone worked by this City produces +2 Gold. |
Masonry |
Neuschwanstein |
1060 |
+4Â +2Â +6Â  |
+1 GM |
+3 Gold, +2 Culture, and +1 Happiness from every Castle. City must be built within 2 tiles of a Mountain that is inside your territory. |
Railroad |
Notre Dame |
400 |
+10Â +4Â  |
+1 GM |
Physics |
Parthenon |
250 |
+4Â  |
Contains a prebuilt Great Work of Art in its Great Work slot. |
Drama and Poetry |
Pentagon |
1250 |
+3Â  |
+2 GM |
Gold cost of upgrading military units reduced by 33%. |
Combined Arms |
Petra |
250 |
+1Â  |
+1 GE |
City must be built on or next to Desert. +1 Food, +1 Production, +1 Gold for all desert tiles worked by this city (except Flood Plains). +6 Culture once Archaelogy is discovered. Provides a free Amphitheater in the city in which it is built. |
Currency |
Proza |
1060 |
+2Â  |
Requires Autocracy. Must be constructed in a Coastal City. This wonder gives an additional +1 happiness for every two policies you have. |
Flight |
Red Fort |
625 |
+12Â , +1Â  |
All defensive buildings are +25% more effective. |
Metallurgy |
Sistine Chapel |
500 |
+1Â  |
+2 GA |
+25% Culture in all Cities. |
Acoustics |
Statue of Liberty |
1060 |
+1Â  |
+2 GE |
+1 Production from Specialists in every city. |
Replaceable Parts |
Statue of Zeus |
185 |
+1Â  |
All units gain +15% combat strength when attacking cities. |
Bronze Working |
Stonehenge |
185 |
+5Â  |
+1 GE |
Calendar |
Sydney Opera House |
1250 |
+2 GA |
1 Free Social Policy and +50% Culture in this city. Must be constructed in a coastal city. |
Ecology |
Taj Mahal |
625 |
+1Â +4Â  |
+2 GA |
The empire enters a Golden Age. |
Architecture |
Temple of Artemis |
185 |
+1Â  |
+1 GE |
+10% Growth in all cities. +15% Production when building ranged units. |
Archery |
Terracotta Army |
250 |
+6Â  |
+1 GA |
Construction |
The Colossus |
185 |
+1Â +5Â  |
+1 GM |
+1 Gold from water tiles worked by this City. City must be built on the coast. |
Iron Working |
The Forbidden Palace |
500 |
+1Â  |
+1 GA |
-10% Unhappiness from Citizens in non-occupied Cities. |
Banking |
The Great Library |
185 |
+1Â +3Â  |
+1 GS |
1 Free Technology. Provides a free Library in the city in which it is built. |
Writing |
The Great Lighthouse |
185 |
+1Â  |
+1 GM |
All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight. Provides a free Lighthouse in the city in which it is built. City must be built on the coast. |
Optics |
The Great Wall |
250 |
+3Â  |
+1 GE |
Enemy land Units must expend 1 extra movement per Tile inside your territory. Provides Walls for free in the city in which it is built. Upon discovering Dynamite, The Great Wall becomes obsolete. |
Engineering |
The Hagia Sophia |
300 |
+3Â  |
+1 GA |
A free Great Prophet appears. Provides a free Temple in the city in which it is built. |
Theology |
The Hanging Gardens |
250 |
+1Â +6Â  |
+1 GA |
Provides a free Garden in the city in which it is built. |
Mathematics |
The Kremlin |
625 |
+3Â +12Â  |
+1 GS |
Defensive Buildings in all Cities are 25% more effective. |
Metallurgy |
The Louvre |
750 |
+4Â  |
+2 GA |
2 free Great Artists appear near the City where the Wonder was built. |
Archaeology |
The Oracle |
250 |
+3Â  |
+1 GS |
1 Free Social Policy. |
Philosophy |
The Porcelain Tower |
625 |
+1Â  |
+2 GS |
A Great Scientist appears near the City where the Wonder was built. 50% more Science generated from Research Agreements. |
Architecture |
The Pyramids |
185 |
+1Â  |
+1 GE |
Tile improvement construction speed increased by 25% and two Workers appear near the City. |
Masonry |
Uffizi |
625 |
+2Â  |
Requires Asthetics. One free Great Artists appears in the city where this is constucted. Contains 3 slots for Great Works of Art. |
Architecture |
United Nations |
1500 |
+1Â  |
+2 GM |
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory. Builder of the UN receives a bonus vote for themsleves in addition to their regular vote. |
Globalization |