Civ7 news of the day: Our first Civ7 “Game Of The Month”, IGN hints at the return of Gandhi, and Amplitude reacts

By | February 13, 2025

And more interesting things are happening in Civ7!

We are now running our first “Game Of The Month” (GOTM). The GOTM is a competition where we, as a community, start with the same savegame, and try to make the very best out of it. We don’t only try to beat the game, but also we try to beat every other civfanatic! For this first game there is no specific goal yet. We want you to play this savegame and submit it at the end of Antiquity before March 15. Then we want to compare the games, and see what could make sense for a competition. If you want to know more about the GOTM and downoad the savegame, then please check here.

The second important info of the day is an article from IGN. There had been some controversy about the omission of Gandhi, but this might get rectified! Discuss with us here.

And as last bit, Amplitude, the creators of Humankind who first tried changing civilizations in a 4X game, have reacted to the release of Civ7. You want to know how? Check here.

Civ7: Patch 1.0.1. patch 3, “wonders trailer”, discount at Newegg, and IGN article about our mods!

By | February 12, 2025

Obviously it’s again a busy Civ7 day!

As most important news, we got the patch 1.0.1 Patch 3, which includes stability improvements, fixed issues with Isabella’s ability, a bunch of other bug fixes and UI improvements, of which one was inspired by our modder sukritact. For the whole changelog please see here.

Firaxis has also released a funny trailer about wonders, and many people might recognize themself in it. Check the discussion here.

Polygon reports that you can get Civ7 at Newegg for 15$ off (if you use the right code), but it is unclear if this applies also to outside the USA. Check the thread here.

And as last item, the good people over at IGN are covering Civ7, and it seems they’ve had a look already at the available mods in this article, which are at the moment all coming from here!
In their article they cover the mods from:

There are already more small adjustments available, have a look at the forum here!

Civ7: Official launch trailer, PCGamer short documentary, Christoper Tin on the main theme, and soundtrack widely available

By | February 11, 2025

Obviously it is a busy day today, therefore the next news item!

The official trailer for Civ7 has been released, check it out and discuss it here.

PCGamer has also released a short (15 min) background video on the various decision in Civ7. You can watch it and discuss it with us here.

Christopher Tin has also commented on the main theme, which you can read here. The total soundtrack is now also available on multiple platforms, and you can discuss it with us here.

Civ7 now available for everyone, soundtrack on spotify, and more mods!

By | February 11, 2025

The regular version of Civ7 is now available. We wish everyone happy playing!

In case you can’t play yet, but have time to listen to music, then listen to the soundtrack on spotify, and discuss it with us here.

We also got a lot of small mods already, and some of these we already have highlighted. We would also like to point to zinfinion’s small mod here which lets you adjust your leader colour, and our user RogueAustralian is making the first attempts to add new civs to the game, see here.

Civ7: Launch day stream, patch 1.0.2, a modded TLS map and bigger sizes, and queen Zenobia?

By | February 10, 2025

We have again a bunch of things about Civ7 to share!

Tomorrow on February 11 there will be launch day stream. The devs will be discussing the latest feedback, will answer community questions and more. Oh, and they want you to pick a civ and leader for this stream. Please check here.

The first real patch after the launch is now also available, patch 1.0.2. The patch fixes the issue that longer game speeds were over too fast, fixed various bugs in naval combat and some of the UI problems. For the full list see here.

From the modding side, we got bigger maps in the meantime, although these apparently are not in because Firaxis (as well as the modders) noticed that they cause some graphics glitches. In case this does not deter you, you can also try the first version of a “True Starting Locations” (TLS) world map here. There are also more small mods available, check the forum here.

And as last tidbit of the day: Will Firaxis add the legendary queen Zenobia to the game? We guess so.

Civ7 news: Civ7 in VR, hidden future content and more UI mods

By | February 8, 2025

More Civ7 news today!

In the big livestream Firaxis revealed that there will be a VR version of Civ7! Not much more is known about it, besides that it will happen in spring for the Meta Quest. Want to discuss these news? Check here!

As second item we have that our member Giskler has been going throug the game files, and has discovered that there are already signs of future (or maybe removed) content. This includes a 4th age, the Ottomans, Pirate republic and 3 more civs as well as new leaders. Check the discussion here.

As last important news item we have that modders are still working on improving the UI. We got 2 small mods with some UI improvements, one from thecrazyscot here, and one from sukritact here. Check out if the more of info is what you need for your next round of Civ7!

Civ World Summit: Now live!

By | February 8, 2025

The Civ World Summit, a MP game among some of the best streamers, is right now live! Watch it in the stream above, and discuss it with us here.

Humankind currently free at the Epic store (until February 13th)

By | February 8, 2025

For all the people who are not yet enjoying the advanced access of Civ7: It seems Amplitude has taken this as an occassion to make Humankind freely available in the Epic store (not on Steam). You can grab it for free until February 13. Get it here, and discuss it with us here.