Category Archives: Ara: History Untold

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 21 – Government

By | July 22, 2024

The devs of Ara have released their 21st dev diary, in which they talk about the goverment systems in Ara.As in the civ games, you start with a basic type of government, and you unlock new types in the research tree. While the government types have positive modifiers, it’s unclear from the video if they also have negative… Read More »

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 20 – Historical Research; Civilopedia entry for Greece; and first gameplay

By | July 6, 2024

A lot has happened with Ara recently, there is a lot to update! The latest dev diary focuses on the historical research goes into the game. GamerZakh talkes to the narrative designer, about how they made sure that the ingame information is correct, how the starting point for Ara was chosen, and which technologies were included. A second… Read More »

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 19 – Narrative events

By | June 19, 2024

And we are now at the 19th dev diary for Ara: History Untold.This time the devs talk events. The events will be more important than in Civ4, and more comparable to Old World. They are used for role playing, and to show progression through history. There are also inter-related invents, which build upon each other, really telling a… Read More »

Ara: History Untold – first gameplay and release date

By | June 12, 2024

During the XBOX Game showcase we got the first footage of Ara gameplay! The release date was also announced, September 24 2024. If you want to discuss this video with us, then join us here.

Ara: History Untold – Technical alpha coming

By | June 4, 2024

The devs of Ara: History Untold have released a blog post announcing that a new technical alpha version of their game will be coming in June. To be selected for the alpha you need to sign up for the insider program and go through a survey, where the devs are interested to know which games you play. For… Read More »

Ara: History Untold: Dev Q&A April 2024

By | April 12, 2024

In March we had the first dev Q&A for Ara: History Untold, and now we get this second. In this Q&A the devs talk about weird rivers, the abilities of the leaders which are a mix between Civ3/4 and Civ5/6, how the AI is built, and more. Check the video out, and discuss it with us here.

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 18 – Scouts

By | March 27, 2024

And we are now at the 16th dev diary for Ara: History Untold.This time the devs talk about scouts and exploration. They are apparently busy with finishing the game, the dev diaries are therefore a bit shorter. This dev diary also tells us mostly some of what you expect, that there is wildlife, that you can find resources,… Read More »

Ara: History Untold: Dev Q&A March 204

By | March 19, 2024

After many dev diaries for Ara: History Untold we now get the first Q&A. In this Q&A the devs talk about which platforms Ara will be released on, if you can change from simultaneous turns to real turn-based turns, the long path to get map sizes right, and much more. Check the video out, and discuss it with… Read More »