Category Archives: Old World

Old World update #126

By | July 25, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. With this update you get performance and memory optimizations, civilian units cannot defend cities anymore, and you will be able to play DLC civs in the game of the week, even if you do not own them. Discuss this update with us here… Read More »

Tacticon 2024, July 18-22

By | July 12, 2024

The Tacticon is a virtual convention about strategy games, organized by the independent publishers FireSquid Games and HoodedHorse, and therefore should contain some things, which are also interesting for us.This year the convention will happen from July 18 to July 22. The lineup normally consists out of various talks, new demos, and some sales, obviously.The list of games… Read More »

Old World update #125

By | July 3, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. With this update wonders have been rebalanced, five new crowning ambitions added, and new game options are available. Discuss this update with us here (and read the full list of changes too). Old World is currently available in the Epic Store, on GOG… Read More »

Old World – Behind The Throne DLC released

By | May 28, 2024

Today, Mohawk Games has released the latest DLC for Old World, “Behind The Throne”.This DLC brings new characters, 350 new events, new projects, and most interestlingly new gameplay mechanics. This includes characters who might be competing with you as a leader, a grand vizier who manages your cities better (or doesn’t he?), new political eras, civil wars, and… Read More »

Old World update #123

By | May 16, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. With this update you are allowed to buy water tiles next to land tiles, adjacency restrictions for improvements were removed, and AI improvements were added. Discuss this update with us here (and read the full list of changes too). Old World is currently… Read More »

Old World update #122

By | May 2, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. This update brings improvements for the Archipelago mapscript, tweaks to events and improvements, how the starting city sites are calculated, and a lot more. Discuss this update with us here (and read the full list of changes too). Old World is currently available… Read More »

Old World – new DLC “Behind The Throne” announced

By | April 11, 2024

The Twitter account of Mohwak Games has announced a new DLC for Old World, called “Behind The Throne”.Behind The Throne adds 350+ new events, new gameplay mechanics, characters, missions, traits, improvements and projects. The release date will be at the end of next month, May 28. Discuss this new DLC with us here.

Old World update #121

By | April 6, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. This update brings new settings for player starting development in MP, a new Victory Point setting option, balance changes, a lower looking age for the character portraits, 9 new events, and more. Discuss this update with us here (and read the full list… Read More »