Category Archives: General

General news items

Tacticon 2024, July 18-22

By | July 12, 2024

The Tacticon is a virtual convention about strategy games, organized by the independent publishers FireSquid Games and HoodedHorse, and therefore should contain some things, which are also interesting for us.This year the convention will happen from July 18 to July 22. The lineup normally consists out of various talks, new demos, and some sales, obviously.The list of games… Read More »

PolyCast 433: Fringe Theories

By | July 11, 2024

The four-hundred-and-thirty-third episode of PolyCast, “Fringe Theories“ is now available for streaming on the PolyCast YouTube Channel. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus, Stephanie “Makahlua”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include: News– 00h01m38s | Call to Power’s 25th Anniversary– 00h11m43s | Real Life as a 4X Simulator?ModCast– 00h28m37s | Quality of Life Mods for Civilization VIForum… Read More »

IGN: Gamers Are Becoming Less Interested in Games With Deep Strategy, Study Finds

By | May 22, 2024

IGN has today published an article about a recent study, called “Gamers Are Becoming Less Interested in Games With Deep Strategy, Study Finds”.This study, which was performed by a market research institute, was focused on the motivation of gamers, and has recorded data over the last 9 years. This data is based on a 5 minute survey, which… Read More »

Polycast episode 428: “Freedom?”

By | February 18, 2024

The four-hundred-and-twenty-eighth episode of PolyCast, “Freedom?” is now available on streaming on YouTube. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus. Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include: News– 00h01m54s | Ara History Untold game overview– 00h21m23s | Ara History Untold dev diary: “the 6Xs”– 00h34m54s | January 2024 Challenge of the Month: Robot Revolution… Read More »

Podcast: “Legacies of Ancient Persia” with Leyla Johnson

By | January 26, 2024

The Pourdavoud Institute for the studies of ancient Persia is running a podcast called “Legacies of Ancient Persia”. In their latest episode they have interviewed Leyla Johnson, and talk about her middle Eastern background and obviously Old World. Leyla tells how she loves history (and to talk with Soren about it), how the interviewer got her 84 years old father… Read More »

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 15 – Insider Program

By | January 19, 2024

And we are now at the 15th dev diary for Ara: History Untold.This time the devs talk about gaming history, mostly of 4X. Apparently Oxide sits close to MicroProse, who developed the first Civ games, and many of their employees also once worked there! They also talk about that the term 4X is itself from 1993, coming from… Read More »

Happy new year from CivFanatics!

By | January 1, 2024

Happy new year from CivFanatics, we wish everyone a majestic year! Picture source

IGN: 2K Reveals Civilization Mobile Game, Moves to Calm Concern It May Impact Civilization 7

By | December 6, 2023

Fresh news from IGN, discuss with us here. The summary of the news article is that an already existing mobile game called “Conquests and Alliances”, a mobile 4X game, is being re-branded as “Civilization: Eras & Allies”. This does not affect the main work on the next Civilization title, which by a Firaxis spokesperson is explicitely not called… Read More »