Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 20 – Historical Research; Civilopedia entry for Greece; and first gameplay

By | July 6, 2024

A lot has happened with Ara recently, there is a lot to update! The latest dev diary focuses on the historical research goes into the game. GamerZakh talkes to the narrative designer, about how they made sure that the ingame information is correct, how the starting point for Ara was chosen, and which technologies were included.

A second video was released, focusing on Ara’s version of the Civilopedia, called the Encantarta. The devs use Greece to show some parts of the Encantarta, the special traits of Sappo, the unique buildings, and more.

Anothe video was released, this time showing some of the early gameplay.

Join us for the discussion here.

Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #168 and #195

By | July 6, 2024

For the long summer months you also get 2 new GOTMs for Civ3!

For the addon “Play The World” you get the GOTM 195: You play as Persia on a customized normal size Archipelago map with 8 opponents and roaming barbarians. Gallery are available earlier, to allow an earlier expansion. The deadline for this game is September 30. For more information please check this thread.

For the addon “Conquests” you get the GOTM 168: You play as Alexander of Greece on a cold and wet standard size Archipelago map with roaming barbarians. The disease level for flood plains, jungle and wet lands have their disease level lowered, and the world is surrounded by mountains. Curious? Check this thread, and submit your game until September 30.

The Eternal War – A Story From Sid Meier

By | July 5, 2024

The official Firaxis account has posted a video about the “eternal war”. This is about a game in Civilization 2, where the player played beyond the year 3000, with a 1700 long war. The ice caps melted due to the nuclear weapons and the world turned into a swamp. Sid himself explains that Civ is not a world simulator, that we are not doomed, and that every Civ game can have a new outcome. If you want to discuss this video with us, then check here, and you can find out more about the original game here.

Play the new Civ6 “Game Of The Month” #183

By | July 5, 2024

While the European championship might find a winner in Germany, in the new Civ6 GOTM you will certainly ensure that! You are playing as Ludwig II of Germany on a standard size Archipelago map with low sea level on Deity. You get abundant resources, monopolies and corporations, and a disaster intensity of 2. In addition to this, you also need to win via Domination or a Religious victory. You get until August 1 to finish this game. For more information please see this thread.

Study The Past – a Civilization series retrospective (Civ 3)

By | July 4, 2024

The official Civilization social media accounts have published a third video in the Civ retrospective series, this time looking at Civilization 3. They highlight it’s new culture mechanics, strategic resources, refined Civiliopedia and reactive borders. It’s also worth noting that over the years CivFanatics members have created some truly amazing total conversion mods for Civ3 based on Starwars, Fallout, Heroes of Might & Magic, Star Trek, Colonization and Master of Magic to name a few!

Our video discussion:

Our Civ3 mods:

Play the new Civ4 “Game Of The Month” #267

By | July 4, 2024

Prepare for a heated summer in this new Civ4 GOTM! You play Shaka of the Zulus on a flat standard size oasis map on Immortal level. You decide yourself how to win this game, you don’t have to do it the Shaka way ;). The deadline for submitting your game is August 5. For more information please check this thread.

Old World update #125

By | July 3, 2024

Mohawk Games, the developers of Old World, have released the latest update for their game. With this update wonders have been rebalanced, five new crowning ambitions added, and new game options are available.

Discuss this update with us here (and read the full list of changes too).

Old World is currently available in the Epic Store, on GOG and Steam.

Ancient Mycenaean Armor Was Suitable for Extended Combat, Research Confirms

By | June 26, 2024

This article is already a month old, but just popped up on social media:
Researchers have tried to tackle a question if a 3500 old armour from Mycenean Greece was used for ceremonial purposes or for real fighting. Apparently no descriptions about this armor have survived into modern times.
The researchers therefore have made replicas of the armor, and recruited 13 volunteers from the Greek marines to test out the armor. It seemed that for both fighting and other practical purposes (just wearing it in the Greek heat), the armor seemed to do sufficiently well, and could have been used for combat purposes.
No fighting exercises against tanks were reported though.
You can read the news article here, and discuss it with us here.