Sullla’s AI Survivor Season Eight – Game 4

By | June 23, 2024

AI Survivor is an annual competition of all Civilization IV AI Leaders by long-time Civilization enthusiast and streamer Sullla.

The Game 3 outcome this past Friday had to be one of the most shocking in Survivor history. Sitting Bull of the Native Americans won a cultural victory while Frederick of Germany placed a strong second. Historically, Sitting Bull and Frederick are two of the most inert leaders in AI Survivor, performing poorly regularly. The Alternate Histories should prove interesting for this matchup. Meanwhile, arguably the strongest leader in Huayna Capac of the Incans was eliminated from the competition. Everyone’s favorite warmonger Shaka will not move on as peaceful Freddie turned the tables and erased him from the map. Willem of the Netherlands did survive, but once again avoided Rifling tech until far too late.

Game 4 will feature another top-tier leader in Mansa Musa of Mali. Mansa has had tremendous success in the past, relying on his unmatched science and economic prowess. Mansa is always a threat regardless of land. We have a newly seeded leader in Alexander the Great of Greece. His traits don’t lend themselves well to Survivor, but he boosted his profile with success in recent seasons. Zara Yacob of Ethiopia and Saladin of Arabia are always contenders. Game 4 could prove the most well-rounded field yet this season. Don’t forget to make your prediction in the picking context.

Sullla’s AI Survivor Season 8 continues Friday, June 28th on Sullla’s Twitch Channel at noon EST.

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Study The Past – a series retrospective: A Look Back at Civilization II

By | June 21, 2024

The Civilization Twitter account has posted the second video in the Civ retrospective series, this time looking at Civilization 2. They highlight the isometric map, hitpoints, and a revolution in diplomacy (which shows the advisors). If you want to discuss this video with us, then join us here.

Study The Past – a series retrospective

By | June 20, 2024

The Civ Twitter account has published a video about Civ1, when the first important features were created. This is supposedly the first video out of a series, where also the other titles will be featured, so we will also see Civ2-Civ6. If you want to discuss the video(s) with us, then join us here.

Ara: History Untold: Dev Diary, Ep. 19 – Narrative events

By | June 19, 2024

And we are now at the 19th dev diary for Ara: History Untold.This time the devs talk events. The events will be more important than in Civ4, and more comparable to Old World. They are used for role playing, and to show progression through history. There are also inter-related invents, which build upon each other, really telling a story.

Unrelated to this last dev diary, there was also another Q&A recently, and we know in the meantime all the leaders. For more info please check this thread.

Civ6 Challenge of the Month June: Terra Incognita

By | June 18, 2024

Firaxis has published the next “Challenge Of The Month” for Civ6, and you actually get four challenges: You can play this game as Joao III or as Matthias Corvinus, on Prince or Emperor level. You start on a large map in the Renaissance era, with marathon speed and a 200 turns limit. The resources are abundant, but not on your continent, but only in the new world. You have until July 16 to conquer this new world! For more information please check this thread.

Millennia – Update 4

By | June 17, 2024

The next update for Millennia has been published! This will be the last update before the summer, but after the summer you will get another one, and the next DLC is also planned for this time! This update includes a raft of balancing changes, interface changes, bug fixes. Have a look at the complete list here.

Sullla’s AI Survivor Season Eight – Game 3

By | June 16, 2024

AI Survivor is an annual competition of all Civilization IV AI Leaders by long-time Civilization enthusiast and streamer Sullla.

In the Game 2 matchup, Justinian of Byzantium returned with a real statement victory by Dominating the field. Justinian again showed why he is such a strong AI leader. Gilgamesh of Sumeria finished second. Cathy of Russia was shown mercy as the only remaining survivor with one tiny ice city.

Game 3 returns after a week off. The week’s contest features three Financial trait heavies: Huayna Capac of Inca, Hannibal of Carthage, and Willem of the Dutch. Huayna Capac is one of the strongest leaders in AI Survivor and is generally considered the best among players. Also of note, we have the ever-aggressive Shaka of the Zulu and the hyper-defensive Sitting Bull of the Native Americans. Will Capac focus too much on Great Wonders?! Will Shaka finally get over the hump and bring WAAAH! like a champ?!! Don’t forget to make your prediction in the picking context.

Sullla’s AI Survivor Season 8 continues Friday, June 21st on Sullla’s Twitch Channel at noon EST.

We welcome you to join the fun by discussing here

Play the new Civ5 “Game Of The Month” #247

By | June 15, 2024

Not winter, but summer is coming! For this GOTM we send you into the dry heat, and you play Harun al-Rashid of Arabia on a standard size sandstorm map on Deity level. You need to bring back the islamic golden age, and win via a science victory. You have time to win this game until July 15. For more information please check this thread.