Play the new Civ3 “Game Of The Month” #159/186

By | April 17, 2022

It’s now been more than 20 years, but we still play it: Civ3! And therefore you also get again 2 different version of the “Game Of The Month”.

Our users Piu Freddo and Captain_Jack have again put together 2 challenges for you.

For the players with the “Play The World” addon you get GOTM186: You play as Korea on a standard map with 80% ocean on Monarch level. You get raging barbarians as well. For all the details, please have a look at this thread:

For players with the “Conquests” addon you get the COTM159: You play the vikings on a standard size archipelago map with 80% water on emperor level, but also with roaming barbarians. Also here, please check the related thread:

For both you have until June 30 to submit your final savegame.