Civ IV hall of Fame Update

By | March 6, 2024

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 14 games were accepted since the previous update.

Congratulations to nocho for the highest score of the update with a Small, Epic, Noble, Space Colony game for 287,479 points.
nocho was the most active player during this update, submitting 3 games.
adityavs was the most active player during this update, submitting 3 games.

Only 2 players were brave enough to take on Deity this update:
fizbankovi – 1884 AD, Standard, Normal, Deity, Domination game for 178,044 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones – 2050 AD, Standard, Quick, Deity, Time game for 26,339 points.

New Number One Entries:

A number of players gained number one positions:
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Standard, Quick, Deity, Time game for 26,339 points.
nocho with a 1040 AD, Tiny, Epic, Emperor, Diplomatic game for 240,108 points.
nocho with a 1400 AD, Small, Epic, Noble, Space Colony game for 287,479 points.
Lcpl Jack Jones with a 2050 AD, Huge, Quick, Settler, Time game for 9,307 points.

A number of players gained a composite table High Score (i.e. Any Condition):

nocho with a 1400 AD, Small, Epic, Noble, game for 287,479 points.
nocho with a 1040 AD, Tiny, Epic, Emperor, game for 240,108 points.

Gauntlet Updates

Congratulations to nocho for winning G-Minor 275 with a date of 1040AD.

New Gauntlet Starting

G-Minor 276 – Espionage, Noble, Ancient, Tiny, Epic, Oasis, (check thread for hte options)

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