Category Archives: Millennia

Streamers previewing Millennia

By | February 3, 2024

The streamer Boesthius has posted a first stream of Millennia, where he easily wins within the demo time which you can try yourself in a few days too. Writing Bull has also put a video online, but it is in German: Discuss these previews with us here.

Millennia: Free demo from February 5 to 12

By | January 29, 2024

From February 5 to 12, you will be able to try out a free demo of Millennia, the new (semi) historical 4X by Paradox games!The demo will be single player, and you will be able to play at maximum 60 turns up until the 3rd age. Join us for the discussion about the free demo here. A first… Read More »

Millennia: First gameplay video on Monday January 29!

By | January 27, 2024

The Millennia Twitter account has announced that on Monday 29th, at 14:30 CET you will be able to watch the first gameplay video.The video will be streamed on their youtube channel, and you will be able to discuss it with us here.No further information has currently been provided.

Millennia Developer Diary – Economy Part Two

By | January 23, 2024

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!This time the diary is again about how the economy works. Overall this works comparable to Civ, in the sense that you have a city where you build buildings which give bonuses in certain areas, and in the surrounding you build improvements. The improvements produce distinct goods though… Read More »

Millennia Developer Diary – National Spirits

By | January 12, 2024

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!This time the diary is about how your civilization is formed. Unlike the last Civ games, the civilizations in Millennia start as a blank canvas (besides the art style), which you can form yourself. If can create horse-back riding Spaniards, as well as industrial Mongols, with the national… Read More »

Millennia Developer Diary – Domains & Culture

By | January 1, 2024

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!This time the diary is about how you are able to shape your nation. The dev diary describes multiple ways, in which you can influence your civ, in many ways similar to the government options, but also split over other domains like exploration and warfare, and that how… Read More »

Millennia Developer Diary – Ages Part One

By | December 14, 2023

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!This time the diary is about the ages in Millennia. The age system is somewhat comparable to Civ3, as there are defined ages, which can be unlocked by more things than only technologies. The first player entering a certain age will have the option to chose from a… Read More »

Millennia Developer Diary – Economy Part One

By | November 30, 2023

We got another developer diary from the new Paradox game Millennia!This time the diary is about the economy in the game. The devs explain that many things are managed on a regional level, similar to the cities of civ, like food and health, whereas others are managed more on a global level. In total where will be 130… Read More »