Play the very first Old World “Game Of The Month”

By | September 4, 2022

CivFanatics has a long standing tradition of the “Game Of The Month” (short: “GOTM”), where a team of fellow Civ-fanatics organizes new, challenging savegames for the community, to compete against each other. The goal here is not only to beat the game, but then to afterwards compare your approach to the approach of other players, and see who scored best. We have done this so far for Civ3 to Civ6, and these “Game Of The Months” are still running.

Old World is a very civ-inspired game with some following among the civ-community. Our member Ozbenno therefore decided that we should try here a “Game Of The Month”, and after some organization with Mohawk Games we are finally there:

The first “Game Of The Month” for Old World!

In this game you play as Egypt on medium size continents map with four opponents on the difficulty level “The Strong”. You can get the download here, and you have 1 month time (until October 3) to finish this game and post your savegame in the dedicated thread.

Good luck to everyone :).