The four-hundred-and-twelfth episode of PolyCast, “When We Thought It Was Over“ is now available for streaming on ThePolyCast.net. This episode features regular co-hosts CanusAlbinus. Stephanie “Makahlua”, Phil “TheMeInTeam”, and Jason “MegaBearsFan”. Topics for this episode include:
– 00h03m39s | Civilization VI Leader Pass Announced.
– 00h17m14s | November 17th Developer Livestream with Focus on Julius Caesar
– 00h34m15s | Amplitude Announces Together We Rule Expansion for Humankind.
– 00h41m11s | Soren Johnson Tweets About Being a Civ Designer.
NOTE: This Episode was recorded on November 19, 2022.
PolyCast is a bi-weekly audio production recording live every other Saturday at 12 Noon US Eastern Time throughout the year, in an ongoing effort to give the Civilization community an interactive voice.