The Value Foundation, https://value-foundation.org/, a foundation associated with Leiden University, the Netherlands, will be streaming Civ3 regularly on Tuesday evenings, 21h CET (3 PM East Coast, Noon Pacific time). They do research on games and history, and have already last year regularly (Tuesday evenings) streamed Civ2, seems this year they’ll be playing Civ3.
The announcement is here on Twitter, and you can find the stream later on Twitch here. We have a discussion thread for these streams here.
Furthermore the streamer Axel will be streaming Civilization: Call To Power. Call To Power is an Activision game (so not developed by Firaxis, who does Civ) from 1999, which heavily relied on everything Civ, but it’s not an official Civ. The second part of the series even lost the “Civilization” in the name. If you’re curious about this old game, then check in this Thursday at 6:30 PM Eastern time (Half past midnight CET, 3:30 Pacific time) at his channel here. You can discuss his stream with us here.