Category Archives: HOF

Civ IV HOF Update

By | May 5, 2023

The Civ4 Hall Of Fame has again gotten an update! New players have been inaugurated in our everlasting Hall Of Civ Fame! Congratulations to Peteyboy for the highest score of the update with a Small, Epic, Monarch, Domination game for 128,048 points. SittinDown was the most active player during this update, submitting 4 games. tsvyatkov was the most… Read More »

New Civ5 “Hall Of Fame” challenges

By | May 4, 2023

Here at CivFanatics we have the long tradition of the “Hall Of Fame”: You can submit us your played savegames, and if you make a high score in a certain category, you will be listed in our “Hall Of Fame” (certain rules apply though). The team has now put together 2 new challenges, for you to master: The… Read More »

Civ IV “Hall Of Fame” Update

By | March 31, 2023

The Civilization IV “Hall Of Fame” has been updated again! The Hall Of Fame is CivFanatics’ continuous competition for the highest score. You need to play with the “Hall Of Fame” interface mod, and then you can hand in any of your played games, and achieve the high score among all CivFanatics! You can check the thread for… Read More »

Participate in the Civ5 “Hall Of Fame” G-Major CXXXII

By | March 4, 2023

The “Hall Of Fame” has a long-standing tradition here at CivFanatics: Play a game according to your choices, and see if you can beat the highscore for these settings so far! Regularly we try to challenge the current high score for a specific setting. Right now we are playing the G-Major CXXXII, where you need to gain a… Read More »

Civ4 Hallf Of Fame update

By | February 1, 2023

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame (a collection of the best user played Civ4 games for any setting) has been updated – 6 games were accepted since the previous update. Congratulations to @Peteyboy for the highest score of the update with a Standard, Normal, Noble, Domination game for 138,767 points. @Peteyboy was the most active player during this… Read More »

Civ4 “Hall Of Fame” update

By | July 6, 2022

The Civilization IV Hall of Fame has been updated – 14 games were accepted since the previous update.Congratulations to nocho for the highest score of the update with a Small, Marathon, Prince, Space Colony game for 548,804 points. Walter_Wolf and Noble Zarkon were the most active players during this update, submitting 3 games. Only one player was brave… Read More »