Steam sale of Stardock games

By | September 13, 2021

Steam has currently a sale of various Stardock games.

The “Galactic Civilizations” series has also a standing fan community on CFC, and “Galactic Civilizations III” (Ultimate Edition) is right now discounted from 91€ down to 32€. You can discuss this game here.

The game “Fallen Enchantress” is a turn-based fantasy game, and was co-developed by Kael, who was the lead designer of the Civilization 4 mod “Fall From Heaven 2”. The Ultimate edition is currently discounted from 39€ down to 17€, the legendary edition from 25€ to 10€. You can read more about the game here.

OffWorld Trading company is a real-time strategy game, about trading on a foreign planet. It was designed by Civ4’s lead designer Soren Johnson, and the Ultimate edition currently discounted from 82€ down to 30€. You can discuss this game here.

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